Providing High Quality Cataloging of Library Materials and Excellent Customer Service at a Low Price
Library Cataloging Solutions (LCS) specializes in contract cataloging and was established to provide libraries with a low-cost, high-quality alternative to meet their cataloging needs. LCS is ready and equipped to assist libraries of all types and sizes, from the small school library to the largest academic library. We will work with your vendor to provide a faster turnaround time. Check with your vendor or publisher; we may even catalog for them.

Let our team of dedicated and experienced catalogers and associates meet your contract cataloging, physical processing, retrospective conversion and reclassification needs through a variety of quality products and services at reasonable prices. We provide shelf-ready contract cataloging for new acquisitions, special collections, backlogs or gift collections.

Our customers have included American School of Classical Studies, Arizona State University, Backstage Library Works, Baker & Taylor, Boston Public Library, Columbia University, Grand Valley State University, Harvard Law Library, Linebaugh Public Library, Living University, McDaniel College, Newark Museum, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Ohio Wesleyan University, Shippensburg University, Tulsa City-County Library, University of Chicago, University of Dallas, University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Minnesota, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Texas.

Quality is important to us, as it is to you. We will provide you with outstanding customer service. We are professional catalogers who think of ourselves as part of your own staff.

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